Comprehensive IT Security Strategy & Consulting Solutions from a World-Class Cybersecurity Partner

The team at Kaytuso has been offering customized, project-based cybersecurity solutions for over twenty years.

Cybersecurity Consulting & Strategy

We’re firm believers in the managed cybersecurity model, which provides companies with ongoing vigilance and proactive cybersecurity protection for a fiat monthly fee. However, we understand there are times when one-time engagements will best suit the needs of our clients.

Our security strategy and consulting team can leverage years of experience to quickly get up to speed on your cybersecurity challenges and help you address a wide range of problems, from penetration tests to gauge the preparedness of your defenses, to one-off risk assessments and regulatory compliance audits that provide insight and peace of mind.

Whether your business is just beginning to tighten its grip on your cybersecurity protocols or looking for a trusted expert to provide guidance on corrective steps to a chronic security pain paint, the Kaytuso team can deliver the skills and resources you need – anywhere across the country.

Kaytuso - Cybersecurity Consulting & Strategy

Strong Cybersecurity Starts with a Thorough Risk & Vulnerability Assessment

Without a clear understanding of which threats and exposures are most dangerous to your organization, cybersecurity budget and human resources easily get misallocated. That’s why the Kaytuso team is strict about employing risk-based security resources, like the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity and Risk Management Framework to conduct thorough assessments that lay a foundation for strong and resilient organizational security.

  • Risk & Vulnerability Assessment - Catalogue Data Assets
    Catalogue Data Assets

    Understanding which data, you must protect — and how it flows through your system — is a crucial first step to strong cybersecurity.

  • Risk & Vulnerability Assessment - Identify Risk
    Identify Risk

    Once you know where your data is and who has access to it, the next step is to determine which assets are most vulnerable and the ways it could be stolen or corrupted.

  • Risk & Vulnerability Assessment - Risk Analysis
    Risk Analysis

    What are the potential impacts of an attack on your data? The financial and reputational loss should both factor into this process of prioritizing your risks.

  • Risk & Vulnerability Assessment - Set Security Controls
    Set Security Controls

    Now that you have a clear picture of your assets and vulnerabilities, you can begin to design security processes and controls to protect your systems in their order of importance.

  • Risk & Vulnerability Assessment - Monitor and Review
    Monitor and Review

    No risk-based security strategy would be complete without a regular review process to ensure it remains effective and continues to address the latest threats.

Regulatory Compliance Strategy & Consulting

Many businesses have difficulty navigating the road to dependable regulatory compliance. Even making a single change to your IT infrastructure can require a major adjustment to your security or compliance programs, which might exceed the knowledge or capabilities of your in-house team.

Our project-based compliance services help organizations get their network infrastructure,
applications, and systems ready for the entire range of regulatory measures:

  • New State-level Requirements
    New State-level Requirements like NYS-DFS 500 & Califomia SB-327
  • FISMA/FEDRAMP certification preparation
    FISMA/FEDRAMP certification preparation

Keep Your Network Safe with Strong Identity and Access Management

Numerous data breaches have made it abundantly clear that passwords are a key strategic weakness in the cybersecurity of most organizations. In fact, the problem appears to be getting worse. According to the latest Sermon Data Breach Report, over 80% of hacking-related breaches last year originated with a weak or stolen password.

The Importance of Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication is combining two or more of the following methods of verifying identity and access rights on your network. Although strongly recommended by most security experts, organizations still struggle to adopt MFA uniformly.

The three common methods of authentication

  • Somethink you know
    The is the primary method of authenticating a user, which is usually a password
  • Somethink you have
    In most cases, this requirement is fulfilled by a text message or phone call, but security applications-from LastPass, Google, and Microsoft may have special authentication features
  • Somethink you are
    In recent years, the use of biometrics such as facial recognition, fingerprint identification, and iris scanning have become a popular answer to this requirement

Implementing multi-factor authentication is the single best way to improve the security of your network. However, determining which employees are best served by which forms of authentication is a process that requires building a risk profile for each type of user in your organization, then pairing those profiles with the right form of authentication based on both technical and organizational priorities.

Vulnerability and Penetration Testing

Testing your cybersecurity defenses is an excellent way to ensure that no new vulnerabilities have been introduced as your business and systems change or evolve. It can also help you identify areas where you can improve upon your existing defenses.

Kaytuso can help organizations run the full gamut of cybersecurity tests, which include:

Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability assessments use specialized tools and databases to probe your systems in search of potential areas of cybersecurity exposure – like out-of-date or poorly patched software and firmware. A largely technology-driven process, vulnerability assessments are inexpensive enough that they should be performed regularly after any significant changes are made to your network infrastructure or software configurations.

Penetration Testing

Penetration tests or ‘pen tests simulate a real-world cyberattack on your network using a team of human professionals. More thorough than a vulnerability assessment, penetration tests are designed to yield deep insight into the security of your network and applications. The broad category of penetration test contains several variations:

Network penetration testing & exploitation
Physical security testing
Cloud penetration testing
Social engineering testing

Due to their complexity and scope, many organizations won’t need to run frequent penetration tests. However, organizations in regulated industries who are housing sensitive data should do regular testing to help ensure their protections are providing optimal security and full compliance.

Kaytuso Has a Solution for Enterprise Mobility Management

Mobile devices are now an integral part of the technology systems at most companies, with the trend toward ‘Bring Your Own Device° (BYOD) experiencing a sharp rise over the last decade. IT leaders across all industries support greater BYOD adoption to cut costs while also increasing worker efficiency.

Kaytuso - Enterprise Mobility Management

While BYOD can provide great benefit, it can also exacerbate several of the security issues already present in enterprise mobility. That’s why companies turn to Kaytuso for help in deploying mobile device management (MDM) and enterprise mobility management (EMM) platforms, which help administrators:

  • Keep malicious software off mobile devices
  • Wipe company data remotely
  • Smooth decision making and reduce the learning curve with mobile collaboration tools

Kaytuso is a National Leader in Cybersecurity Projects

When tackling a cybersecurity challenge, there’s no substitute for having a trusted expert in your corner. Our friendly team is always eager to help companies get a better handle on their IT security initiatives and would love to answer any questions you have on our nationwide cybersecurity strategy and consulting service.

Contact us any time at  or 212-792-9932 to speak with one of our experts. We look forward to speaking with you

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